Summer 2015 AP Chemistry Homework Assignment

Over the course of this summer, please try to finish the first four chapters, and this assignment:

                                    SUMMER HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT
 Read, outline Ch. 1:  “Chemistry: The Study of Change”
            do Qs 1-22 in the Hot 100 Random Study Guide
 2.  Read, outline Ch. 2:  “Atoms, Molecules and Ions”
           do Qs 23-59 in the Hot 100 Random Study Guide
 3.  Read, outline Ch. 3:  “Mass Relationships in Chemical Equations”
            a.  do Qs 60-75 in the Hot 100 Random Study Guide
                 then, Ch. 3 AP MC #1 worksheet
                 then, Ch. 3 AP MC #2, Ch. 3 AP MC #3
 4.  Read, outline Ch. 4:  “Reactions in Aqueous Solutions”
            a.  do Qs 76-100 in the Hot 100 Random Study Guide
                 then Ch. 4 AP MC #1
You are not allowed to use a calculator on the multiple choice part of the AP test.  You have to begin practicing math operations (multiplying, dividing, adding, subtracting) in your head and methods for doing quick estimates.  You will find the Math Toolkit to be an absolute necessity.


I have uploaded a template for an outlining format called Cornell Notes.  Some of you may have already encountered this in earlier classes.  You may use a different method, but I expect to see a one page minimum for the outlines of each chapter.

This will be due at the beginning of school.

I will log it, and return it to you in time for the first quiz on this material, which you’ll be able to use these notes for.

I will choose the 20 to 25 most important (that doesn't mean the hardest!) questions from the Hot 100 Random Study Guide for a quiz, about a week after school starts.

Help find the others
It’s probable that I don’t have every student’s name on this list.  If you know someone who isn’t on this email, let me and them know.  Some of you are taking the chem class at Skyline.  If there’s someone there you think is planning on getting into our class, let them know too.  Make sure they all contact me.

Other important info: